  • Colour:  multicolor
  • Material:  glass
  • Shape:  ball
  • Size:  10cm

Artistic glass Christmas tree baubles are unique decorations that bring a special atmosphere to the Christmas interior.

The presented Christmas bauble with a diameter of 10 cm is an example of handicraft at the highest level. The handmade bauble, in bright, silvery-white colors with accents of blue and yellow, presents a winter scenery full of peace and charm.

In the foreground we see a large, defoliated tree, covered with a thick layer of snow, which majestically dominates the landscape. In the background there is a picturesque rural scenery with houses whose roofs are completely covered with white. The illuminated windows of these cottages emanate a golden glow, casting warm, yellow shadows on the snow and adding extraordinary depth to the composition.

The whole is complemented by a mountain landscape with a line of dark trees in the background, which emphasizes the silence and reflection of a winter day. The hand-decorated bauble is refined down to the smallest detail, and the subtle shades of blue and yellow give the snow a realistic and fairy-tale character.

This Christmas bauble is a perfect example of the craftsmanship of an artist-decorator who captured the beauty of winter nature with extraordinary precision. Every detail, from the snow-covered roofs to the gentle light in the windows, has been carefully designed to create a harmonious and atmospheric whole.

Glass Christmas baubles like this one are true works of art that add elegance and class to your Christmas trees. Thanks to its unique aesthetics, the presented Christmas bauble will become not only a beautiful Christmas tree decoration, but also a valuable element of the Christmas collection that can be passed down from generation to generation.

The decoration of our bauble is one-sided.

18,29 EUR
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