  • Colour:  silver-grey
  • Material:  glass
  • Shape:  other shape
  • Size:  11cm x 8cm

It is difficult not to be amazed by cats, even when they are made of glass!

Enchanted by cats, we decided to create figurine baubles reflecting - at least to some extent - a cat's charm and beauty.
We present to you the glass Christmas baubles – kittens, adorably sleeping on hanks of wool. The idea for the bauble was born after seeing a real small white cat, who curled into a ball and fell asleep on his favourite wool, which earlies served as his toy.
The bauble was decorated very realistically. The fluffy fur of the cat is made of a special flaky glitter, his eyes and whiskers – black varnish, and his nose – silver varnish. The piece is complemented by particles of silver glitter, which brighten the grey hank of wool.And the whole scene resembles a well-known proverb - the kitten is sleeping and the mice are playing!
We also invite you to take a look at our other kitten, sleeping on red wool.

23,17 EUR
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