  • Colour:  green
  • Material:  glass
  • Shape:  egg
  • Size:  13cm

A glass Christmas tree bauble in the shape of an egg in a nautical style?

At first this combination may seem astonishing, but just take a closer look at this bauble. Doesn't it evoke associations with the depths of green waters, the breeze, the droplets of water in the air and the flickering of sunlight on the surface of the water?

We believe you will admit that both the colour scheme and the decoration of our Christmas bauble are unusual. The background itself is already very original. The central part of the egg is covered with a beautiful, muted sage green with a delicate texture. This colour brightens up and down the bauble, eventually leaving parts of clear, transparent glass right at the cap and at the very bottom. The decoration, on the other hand, is very delicate and shines with a multifaceted brilliance. This is due to the numerous glass diamonds, rainbow crystals and transparent glass balls that decorate the surface of the bauble. The whole design is full of unusual lightness, finesse and originality.

19,27 EUR
Only few pieces remained.