  • Colour:  multicolor
  • Material:  glass
  • Shape:  other shape
  • Size:  12cm x 12cm

Dear customers, these are the last limited pieces of mouse baubles with this decoration!

Christmas is a real paradise for our mouse - so many prepared treats easily available throughout the house!

Tired of poking around, she fell asleep hidden in the sideboard. And as the cot she chose the most beautiful cups from the whole service.
Our mice are unusual and very graceful glass Christmas balls for the Christmas tree. The very idea of a nice mouse hidden in a pile of cups is funny and original. Idea, design and excellent performance. We are pleased to draw your attention to the details of this Christmas ornament. The mouse fur was perfectly rendered by the gray flock in the decoration. It is contrasted with the shiny red cap and white fluffy glitter in the rim. The decoration of the cups themselves deserves separate attention. Each of them was covered with a different pattern, from large red poinsettias on the bottom cup, through an ornamental decor, to holly on the cup at the very top. Of course, the entire decoration is hand painted, as befits the best porcelain and, in this case, the best Polish artistic baubles. And one more detail recommended to your attention: intricate and delicate lugs of cups. They add a whole unique class!

20,73 EUR
Product unavaible