  • Colour:  turquoise
  • Material:  glass
  • Shape:  heart
  • Size:  7cm x 5cm

The heart glass bauble we present to you here stands out in many ways.

The heart itself comes from the Colours of Peacock Feathers collection, where we also have other small hearts with vibrant backgrounds, reminiscent of precious stones. Among amethysts, emeralds or lapis lazuli you cannot miss the beautiful turquoise. This is also the background of our bauble, deep and saturated with a beautiful shade.

Although the heart bauble is small, its decoration is detailed and rich. The ornaments refer to floral patterns. There are golden brocade branches with leaves made of glass crystals and flowers made of diamonds. The combination of the turquoise background, delicate gold decoration and the light of the glass details gave a very interesting and elegant effect. Please also note the delicate brocade swirls in the background which create a beautiful pattern on the surface of the bauble. The entire bauble is really very sophisticated. You are welcome!

9,51 EUR
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