  • Colour:  multicolor
  • Material:  glass
  • Shape:  ball
  • Size:  diameter 10cm

Picturesquely colored cardinal birds have conquered Christmas decorations.

They prevail among the remaining bird species in holiday arrangements. They are inseparably associated with the beauty of winter season.
Christmas glass baubles have used these birds as figurine baubles or as an element of painted decoration for a long time. Here, we present Christmas baubles, balls with a beautiful winter view. In the central part of the decoration we see a solid wooden feeder, all covered with snow. Only the holly branch on one side and the pine branch on the other side peek out from under the snow. Two red cardinals crouched beside the feeder. The third cardinal waits in the distance, swinging on a branch. The whole creates a graceful scene, full of charm and warmth.
We would like to draw your attention to two details in the decoration of the baubles, where unusual materials were used. It is a real twig under the feeder and real seeds spilled to our cardinals.

16,83 EUR
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